Children, pets and rollaway beds

Accommodation for children and rollaway beds

Baby cribs:

Bed and breakfast for children under 3 years old is free. If necessary, order a baby playpen before arrival at the hotel reception.\


Delivered beds:

For children from 3 to 12 years old - 19 EUR/night with breakfast (maximum: 1 child in a standard room, 2 children in a superior double room, 2 children in a deluxe class room, 2 children in apartments, 1 child in a triple room).
For a child from 12 years old and an adult - 35 EUR/night with breakfast (maximum: 1 person in a standard room, 2 people in a superior double room, 2 people in a deluxe class room, 2 people in an apartment, 1 person in a triple room).

Important! Please inform the hotel reception staff about the need for an extra person and a rollaway bed before your arrival. Without informing - we do not guarantee that the service will be provided and/or ready before your arrival.

Domestic pets

Do not leave your family members at home - Hotel Europa Royale Druskininkai accepts guests with pets. For the safety of the guests, pets are only allowed on a leash, an additional fee applies to a pet - 20 EUR/day, if two or more pets - 30 EUR/day. You can visit the hotel's breakfast room and restaurant terraces with your pets. For hygiene reasons, pets are not allowed inside the breakfast room or restaurant.

Important! The person accompanying the pet or its owner is fully responsible for the animal's behavior: you must compensate for any damage caused by the pet to other guests, their property, hotel staff, building or inventory. The hotel and its staff are not responsible for damage caused to other guests by pets of hotel guests.